Dear Readers,

whether corporate blogger, employee or guest writer – we look forward with you about a diverse and lively blog. We have fixed the following standards for our blog and look forward to our attention blogging Rules:
  • Transparency

    We only speak for us and use our names. Own opinions are encouraged – but they do not necessarily reflect the views of the company.

  • Credibility

    We write nothing we can not represent a pure conscience. If we cite or use content of other authors, we identify and demonstrate this clearly.

  • Honesty

    We always stay at the truth and respect our competitors, no distort facts and spread lies. Honesty builds trust and is the basis for a constructive dialogue.

  • Respect

    On this blog injured and offensive content have no place. We reserve the right to delete comments legally questionable (see Comment policy). On objective criticism we go promptly, type help and try to resolve differences and problems.

  • Dialogue

    This blog is not a one-way street! Comments are welcome. Dialogue and exchange are the basis for innovation and the development of the industry.

  • Simplicity

    The authors of this blog speak subjectively and binding. Jargon is avoided or explained, finally, we want attract a broad audience with our content.

  • Guest authors

    The blog is not only open to employees of chartisan GmbH. Periodically, experts from other companies and organisations, from academia and journalism, will discuss current issues.
    Would you like to write a guest post? Send an e-mail to and suggest a topic. We look forward to it.

  • Comment rules

    Also, in the comments, we want to ensure a respectful coexistence. To ensure this, we have established the following standards which must be observed when commenting. Failure to comply may result in the deletion of the comment or even to block the IP address:

    Everyone has the right to their own opinion, this should respect all users. Constructive and objective criticism is welcome. Prompts for offenses, insults, exposure settings and legally questionable content of any kind, we will not tolerate and remove from the blog.

    Advertising and automated Commenting is not allowed on the chartisan blog and will result in immediate deletion.

    Content reference
    Comments must relate to the outcome of a product already delivered opinions. Posts without visible added value, or related to the topic will be deleted from the blog team.